George Mandler


Personal: Born: 11 June 1924, Vienna; U.S. citizen

          Married Jean Matter, 19 January 1957.


Education:  B.A. (cum laude), New York University, 1949

            University of Basel, Switzerland, 1947‑48

            M.S., Yale University, 1950

            Ph.D., Yale University, 1953


Professional Experience and Activities:


        Psychologist, Clifford W. Beers Guidance Clinic, 1952‑53

        Assistant Professor, 1953‑56; Lecturer and Research Associate, 1956-60, Harvard University

        Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, 1959‑60

        Associate Professor, 1960‑62; Professor, 1962‑65, University of Toronto

        Visiting Fellow, University of Oxford, 1971‑72; 1978

        Visiting Professor, Beijing Normal University & University of Science and Technology, China, 1984.

        Visiting Professor, 1990‑ ; Honorary Member, Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience, 1999-; Honorary Research Fellow, 1977‑79; 1981‑90; University College London

Distinguished Professor Emeritus, 1994-; Distinguished Professor, 1974-1994, Professor 1965‑1994; Chair, Department of Psychology, 1965‑70; Director, Center for Human Information Processing, 1967‑1990; University of California, San Diego


        Editor ‑ Psychological Review, 1970‑76.


        Editorial and Advisory Boards ‑ Psychological Monographs, 1963‑66

                  Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 1968‑1984

                  Journal of Memory and Language, 1985‑1988

                  Contemporary Psychology, 1976‑1989

                  Social Cognition, 1980‑1992

                  Cognitive Psychology, 1978‑1995

                  The German Journal of Psychology, 1978‑1994

                  Motivation and Emotion, 1977‑ 2001

                  Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1977‑

                  Annals of Theoretical Psychology, 1980‑1995

                  Cognition and Emotion, 1986‑ 2001

                  Handbook of Perception and Cognition, 1986‑1995

                  Philosophical Psychology, 1987‑2008

                  American Journal of Psychology, 1989‑ 2008

                  Consciousness and Cognition, 1990‑2011                                       

     Advances in Consciousness Research, 1991‑


        Editor ‑ Perspectives in Psychology Series, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1964‑1976.

        Advisory Editor ‑ John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1965‑1982                               

         John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., (Great Britain), 1977‑1983                       

                                 Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 1974‑1992



Public Service:


         Associate Committee on Experimental Psychology, National Research Council, Canada, 1962‑65

         Board of Directors, Canadian Council for Research in Education, 1963‑65

         Board of Advisors, Archives of the History of American Psychology, 1965‑1975

         Executive Committee, Council of Chairmen of Graduate Departments of Psychology, 1968‑70

         Council of Editors, American Psychological Association.  Chair, 1974‑76

         Council of Representatives, American Psychological Association, 1970‑73, 1979‑82

         Personality and Cognition Research Review Committee, National Institute of Mental Health, 1970‑74

         Board of Trustees, Association for the Advancement Psychology, 1974‑82

         Governing Board, The Psychonomic Society, 1978‑83

         Founding President, Federation of Behavioral, Psychological, and Cognitive Sciences, 1981.

         Council of Scientific Society Presidents, 1982-         

         Steering and Executive Committees, 1980‑81; Member of Council, 1981‑82; Federation of Behavioral, Psychological, and Cognitive Sciences.            

         Graduate Record Examination Committee, Educational Testing Service, 1981‑90

         Media Resource Service, Scientists' Institute for Public Information, 1984-1993

         U.S. National Committee, International Union of Psychological Science, 1985‑1990

         Consultant, NSF/APA Psychology Exhibition Project, 1988‑91                 

         Task Force on Graduate Education, American Psychological Society, 1988‑1992

         President, Division of Experimental Psychology 1978‑79; Division of General Psychology 1982‑83; American Psychological Association.                  

         Chair, Governing Board, Psychonomic Society, 1983.

         Chair, Society of Experimental Psychologists, 1983.


Honorary Societies, Awards, Lectureships:


     American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Fellow)

     Society of Experimental Psychologists (Fellow)

     Cognitive Science Society (Fellow)

     Sigma Xi

     Phi Beta Kappa


     Honorary doctorate, University of Vienna, 2009

     William James Award, Division of General Psychology, American Psychological Association, 1986

     J.S. Guggenheim Fellowship, 1971‑72

     Research Award, Social Science Research Council, 1958


     George Mandler Research Fund, University of Toronto, 2004

     Dedication of Mandler Hall, UCSD, 2004


     Distinguished Speaker Series in Cognitive Science, UCSD, 1995

     Association Lecture, XVth International Symposium on Attention & Performance, 1992

     William James Prize Lecture, American Psychological Association, 1987       

     Distinguished Faculty Lecture, University of British Columbia, 1983         

     William A. Hunt Memorial Lecture, 1964


Professional Societies:


     Association for Psychological Science (Fellow)

     American Psychological Association (Fellow) ‑ Divisions 1, 3, 8, and 26

     Cognitive Science Society

     Experimental Psychology Society (Great Britain)

     The Psychonomic Society

     American Association for the Advancement of Science (Fellow)               

     American Association of University Professors

     The Authors Guild

     International Society for Research on Emotion